One of the biggest challenges when it comes to borrowing can be working out the size of the loan that you can afford to repay. Although many people tend to concentrate on the amount that they need, the reality is that the size of a loan is significantly affected by your ability to repay.
In order to calculate how much spare income you are likely to have that could be spent on loan repayment, it’s necessary to have a clear financial picture of your income, expenditure and commitments. Ideally, this should include not only your situation at the present time but also some idea of what your future income is likely to be: a predicted change in income, either upwards or downwards, will inevitably affect your repayment ability.
To help our customers work out their current financial situation as well as how much they can afford to borrow, we’ve supplied a number of handy calculators. Loan calculators are a form of financial calculator that works out how much you can afford to repay each month on the basis of the information you submit. This data is handy when you apply for a loan product, allowing your broker to match you with a lender that has criteria in line with your financial circumstances.
Having a realistic idea of the amount you can borrow not only helps with your financial decision-making, but it also improves the chances of acceptance for a loan, as you will have accurate financial information to show your lender, demonstrating your ability to repay.
Try our financial calculator now!